09 October 2010

Loved and Lost

I apologize for missing yesterday. I had a wedding reception for some friends last night and got home pretty late. I was too tired to write. Today will be a double hitter. Ha. J

Day 09: Someone you didn’t want to let go, but just drifted.

I can’t really pinpoint just one. There have been many over the years and many moves. Probably at least from every place that I’ve lived, WA, NY, Maui, Big Island, Oahu, UT, CA. I guess the one that I’ve been thinking about the most over the years would be my friend Yewande (Ya-won-day). We met in NY in the 4th grade. On the first day that I started Belle Sherman, I sat next to her. Ms. Lang introduced me to the class and said that I was from Hawaii. Yewande then asked, “does she speak English?” I was still crying at the time but then laughed at her question. Not out loud. I didn’t want to seem like a jerk, duh. J We were best friends for the time that we lived in Ithaca. I just wasn’t good at keeping in contact w/ her and I have tried looking for her but still no success. Treasure those that you love. Don’t let them go.

Day 08: Someone who made your life hell, or treated you like crap.

There really isn’t any one person that made my life a living hell. But there have been a bunch of people that have treated me like crap. There’s always Voldemort. He didn’t start of treating me like crap. In fact, he treated me like a princess. At least I thought he did. It’s interesting how that’s his name and that’s how the “real” started off. Like he wasn’t bad from the beginning. It started off slowly with small things. Moving on. Then there’s the one after him who also started off awesome and my parents LOVED him. Then he became super controlling and manipulating. And he basically made me choose between him and my family. Then he gave me an ultimatum of marrying him. But that’s another story, for another time. L Then there are people who just don’t pay attention to me but call me their friend. Apparently there are a lot of these people that I thought were my friends that treat me this way. I’ve come so used to people not LISTENING to me that when new friends do I almost freak out. You laugh, or think I’m weird, but it’s true. I made some new friends in St. George and every single one actually heard me OVER other people talking, or even me just saying something quiet. I guess people actually do care about what I say. I’m still trying to come to grips w/ it this crazy notion. J Be strong, be happy, and find the joy in your life! Adios!

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