07 August 2010

Online dating scene

Yep. I jumped on that band wagon. My sister and I had talked about me joining an online dating site, last Christmas. I think we gave me a year and if I wasn't in a relationship or had any candidates then I would sign up by my 28th birthday. Which is rapidly approaching. Well, not really. It's only August and I have until February. As I was contemplating my next move, I decided to jump on. I signed up on...
I was reluctant. I really didn't want to pay another monthly fee, especially to meet guys, but after two weeks or so I took the plunge. I am now a full member of an online dating service! I'm still not quite sure how I feel about it but I guess it could only help my chances, right? Now it's just a matter of waiting to see if any of the guys I messaged will respond. Don't you love learning patience? I know I do (sarcasm? yes).


  1. lol. After watching my constipated nephew try to poop all day, I have come to the conclusion that guys--while cute and cuddly can be really big turds too. ;) I think I am done "looking" for now...but good luck to you! There are some major weirdos out there, so be safe! :)

  2. yes, be safe. but i bet the lds site is safe. you have to keep us informed on any prospects!!!:)
